communication skill (MCQ-3)

communication skill (MCQ-3)

Welcome to your communication skill (MCQ-3)

1.The plumber ------------ the pipes yesterday.

2.Kumar ---------- a good carpenter.

3.Come tomorrow and fix the door kno This sentence is ------------.

4How effective the CTS training has been! This sentence is ------------.

5.While addressing your boss, you should be ------------.

6.The customer requested the lady executive to display thedifferent mobile phone models. The customer asked -------to mention the cost of the mobiles too.

7.The ITI Principal called Manoj. The Principal asked -------to show ----- hall ticket for the CTS examination.

8.Hi, how are you? What’s up? – These are examples of ------------.

9.How do you come to work? What is your qualification? –These are examples of ------------.

10.If you meet your supervisor in the grocery store, you will ------------.

11.When you borrow a screwdriver from a trainee, you should say, ‘--------

12.The company asked the carpenter to design a box with the given dimensions. When it was approved, he made many more -------------- for the company.

13.Magnificent, large, thin, lengthy, square, bright, sharp, hard– are examples of ------------.

14.Table, wire, socket, cable, hammer, nail, pipe, motor,refrigerator – are examples of ------------

15.Fix, measure, pull, lift, grind, mix, operate – are examplesof -----------.

16.Commas, full stops, question marks – are examples of ------------.

17.You are requested to complete the given assignment byMonday. This is an example of ----------------.

18.Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact are examples of ------------.

19.I have received complaints about workplace safety.Please check them immediately and share the details withme. This is an example of ------------.

20.When you meet the instructor inside or outside the ITI, it is ------------.

21.In the context of an interview --------------- greetings is to beused.

22.When you make an enquiry at a bank, it is ------------------situation

23.During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is better to -------------------------- than shake hands, and say Namaste than ------------------------.

24.A good --------------------------- helps to create a good first impression

25.We may have to introduce colleagues, peers and superiors in ------------------------------ context.

26.A quick self-introduction is called ---------------..

27.When you attend a friend's wedding with your father, you may have to introduce your father to your friend and your friend to your father. What kind of situation is it?

8.As a customer sales executive in an electrical appliances showroom, your greetings and introduction of your instructor to your supervisor shall be d

29.--------------------- are persons with very good behaviour, achievements and lead as an example.

30.Role models --------------------------- people to follow them.

31.Role models inspire people to follow them though they have ----------------------- and have met -------------------------.

32.Human beings are ------------------------ by nature. It is the cultivation of ------------------ habits that makes one a better person.

33. The set of imperfections in a person is called --------------------

34.Strengths of role models get ---------------------- while weaknesses get ------------------------------.

35.While we are at home or with friends, we use --------------------------------- verbal communication.

36.When we greet our superiors, managers and boss we greet them -----------------------.

37.Spoken communication is not only --------------------------- but also -------------------------------------

38.What we communicate without words, but with body language is an example of ----------------------

39.Working with others to find a mutually agreeable solution is called ----------------------

40.Communication within an organization is ----------------------- with superiors and can be --------------- with friends and colleagues.

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