communication skill (MCQ-6)

communication skill (MCQ-6)

Welcome to your communication skill (MCQ-6)

1.BIS stands for ----------------- .

2.The business idea should ----------------- .

3.In social media, we use ------------ to convey our feelings and emotions.

4.We select the ------------------------- emoji to express our feelings.

5.We use emoji's when ----------------------------------

6.When we strongly feel or react situations or with particular people, we are using our ----------------------------------

7. It is important to -----------------------.

8. A person’s ability to understand and manage emotions properly is called -----------------------.

9.A person with high emotional intelligence has ------------------ -----.

10.When something good happens to us, we feel ----------------- -------

11. The first step to manage emotions is to -----------------------.

12.When we do not express our emotions, we may end up ----- -------------.

13. Expressing ourselves helps in -----------------------. finding solutions to deal with negative emotions fighting with others developing negative emotions developing positive emotions A

14.5 If we do not learn how to control-------------, it can spoil relationships.

15.What is the process of formally introducing oneself called?

16. A good self-introduction will help in making a ---------------- decision.

17.All of us ---------------------- on completion of the course.

18.TI trainees meet industry professionals during ------------------ ---

19.Good self-introduction help to make ----------------------

20. Self-introduction should show how ----------------------- your are.

21.A quick summary of yourself is called an ----------------------.

22.Introducing oneself in a smart and powerful way in just 30 seconds is called ----------------------

23.The most frequently asked question in an interview is---------?

24.Everything about a person on the internet like profile on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is called ----------------------

25.Identify the professional networking platform from the given options.

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