Work shop calculation 2nd year MCQ-4 (Algebra)

Work shop calculation 2nd year MCQ-4 (Algebra)
Work shop calculation
Work shop calculation

Welcome to your Work shop calculation 2nd year MCQ-4 (Algebra)

1.What is the value of 1 / aˉ⁵ ?

2.What is the value of 5x⁴ / 5x³ ?

3.What is the subtracted value of 3x - 4x² +2y² from 4y²-2x + 8x²?

4.What is the value of adding (5x+2y), (4x - 7z) and (15z - 3y)?

5.What is the value of 12x³y² / 4x²y?

6.What is the value of x, if 3 (2x - 4) = -4x + 28 ?

7.What is the value of x if (x + 2) / 2 = 19?

8.What is the value of x if 11x+4=37?

9.What is the value of 1/aᵐ?

10.What is the value of am/n?

11.Which is the expansion of a³ + b³? A : (a-b) (a² + b² - ab)

12.What is the expansion of (a+b+c)²?

13.Which is expanded form of a³- b³?

14.What is the value of (6³) / ((-3)³) ?

15.: What is the value of x²-y² if (x+y) = 9, (x - y) = 4?

16.What is the value of ʹXʹ if x - y = 6 and x + y = 8? A : 5 B : 6 C : 7 D : 14What is the value of ʹXʹ if x - y = 6 and x + y = 8?

17.What is the value of a²+b² if a+b=9 and ab = 20?

18.What is the value of ab if (a+b)²=36 (ab)²=24?

19.What is the value of x³+3y²x² if x=3, y=2?

20.What are the three consecutive numbers if there sum is 42?

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