Work shop calculation MCQ-7(basic electricity)

Welcome to your Work shop calculation MCQ-7(basic electricity)

1.whiich machine converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

2.which is the unit of current?

3.Which is the unit of resistance?

4.what is the flow of electrons in any conductor?

5.Which proprty of substance is opposing to the flow of electric current?

6.What is the good conductor?

7.which is the mineral insulator?

8. what is the total resistance if there resistance of 3 omh,9 ohm,5 ohm are connected in series?

9. what is the total resistance if two resistance of 4 ohm and 6 ohm are connected in parallel?

10.Which is the same in series connection of resistors in a circuit?

11.Which low states that at constant temperature the curent passing through a closed circuit is directly proportional to the potential difference and inversely proportional to the resistance?

12.what is the resistance? i=b11.5 amps,v=380 volts,r=.....ohms

13.What ids current? R= 50 ohms,v=b220 volts

14.What is voltage? R= 250 Ohms, I= 0.44 amps

15.what is the filament resistance if a 6 volts bulb draws a current of 0.5 amps?

16.How much watt second in 1 watt hour?

17. what is the power if an emf of one volt causes a current flow of 1 amperer?

18.Which is equal to electric power?

19. What is the unit of intensity of magnetic field?

20.Which law states that about electromagnetic induction?

21.what is the formulae for induced emf?

22.,What does EMF stands for?

23.what is the example of statically induced emf?

24.wgat is the example for dynamically induced emf?

25. What is the unit electric power?

26. what is the rated power if an adjustable resistor bears the following lable 1.5 k ohms 0.08A?

27. How much voltage required to illuminate a 40 watts flurescent lamp draws a current of 0.10 ampere? many hrs will takes the for 100 watts bulb to consume 1 kwh energy?

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