workshop calculation MCQ-4( Mass,Volume,Density)

workshop calculation MCQ-4( Mass,Volume,Density)
Work shop calculation
Work shop calculation

Welcome to your workshop calculation MCQ-4( Mass,Volume,Density)

1.What is termed as the quantity of matter contained in a body

2.What is the force with which a body is attracted by the earth towards its centre

3. What is called mass per unit volume of a substances

4.What is called the ratio between the density of a substances density of water at 4°C

5.What is the density of aluminium

6.What is the mass if the density of a body is 7.6 g/cm3 and its volume is 25 cm3

7.What is the specific gravity of the solid if density of the solid is 19.5 g/cm3

8.What is the density (r) in g/cm3 of an iron cube if it weighs (W) 4.8 kg and volume (V) is 640 cm3

9.What is the volume (V) of mercury in cm3 if mass (m) of mercury is 1 kg and density (r) is 13.6 g/cm3

10.What is the mass in gram if a force of 15 dyres acting on a mass m producing an acceleration of 2.5 cm/sec2

11.What is the specific gravity of the metal if the piece of metal weighs 150 grams in air and 125 grams in water

12.What is the volume of mercury in cm3 if the mass (m) of mercury is 136 grams (g) and density (r) of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3

13.What is the block weighs (W) in kg if volume (V) is 320 cm3 and density 8.9 g/cm3

14.What is the specific gravity of the metal if the weighs 6.5 kgf in air and 3.5 kgf in water

15.What is the weight force of a car has a mass of 800 kg(Take g = 9.81m/sec)

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