Workshop calculation MCQ-6 (heat and temperature))

Workshop calculation MCQ-6 (heat and temperature))
Work shop calculation
Work shop calculation

Welcome to your Workshop calculation MCQ-6 (heat and temperature))

1.which refers the temperature?

2.what is the SI unit of heat?

3.which instrument used to measure heat?

4.what is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1degree Celsius is called?

5.what is the value for specific heat of water?

6.which type heat is the heat absorb or given off by a substance without changing its physical state ?

7.what is the boiling point of water in fahrenheit scale?

8.what is the freezing point of water in kelvin scale (K)?

9. convert 45 degree c into F(fahrenheit.)

10.At what temperature will Fahrenheit and centigrade thermometers gives the same reading?

11.convert -273 degree c into kelvin scale?

12.what is the value in degree centigrade for 20 degree F?

13.What is the maximum temperature that can be measured by mercury thermometer?

14.Which instrument is used to measure temperatures of red hot metals up to 3000 degree C?

15.which type of heat transmission takes place through physical contact?

16.which kind of heat transmission takes place by up-ward flow?

17.which one is the radiation method of heat transmission?

18.what is called if the length of the solid expand when heated?

19.what is the change in length per unit original length per degree rise in temperature is called?

20.What is the unit of Co-efficient of linear exansion?

21 What is the term used for 2 * linear expansion?

22. what is the term called or 3 * linear expansion

23.What is called for the materials that resticts heat flow by radiation ,conduction and convection?

24.which one is the heat insulator?

25.which one has the highest thermal conductivity?

26.Which one of folling is not a property of heat insulating material?

27.Which insulating material is most widely used in refrigerator?

28.Which one is a poor heat insulator?

29.What is know for the temperature at which any solid melts into liquid?

30. What is known for the temperature at which any solid melts into liquid?

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