textile wet processing 1(Enviromental polution 1)

textile wet processing 1(Enviromental polution 1)
textile wet processing 12 (maintenance of various processing machine and quality control)
textile wet processing 12 (maintenance of various processing machine and quality control)

Welcome to your textile wet processing 1(enviromental polution 1)

1.the enfluent mixing tank is treated with ------ solution for chemical coagulation

2.Coagulation and flucculation units are designed to treduce the pollution load by removing.......

3.which of the following BOD level waste is permitted to be relaxed in land by industries?

4. which of following COD level waste is permitted to be relaesed in land by industry?

5.in yextile water effluent treatment plant which stage ia at last?

6.Ozone wet treatment of textile effluent is a very good process to....

7.which of the following is a tertiary treatment process of textile effluent?

8.The fresh textile effluentis ---- in nature.

9.pollution free air having approximately------- percentage of oxygen

10.which one among the following is a secondary air pollution?

11.which gas put of the following acts as filter of UV rays?

12. which of the following is an air pollution?

13.which gas out of following is found heighest by volume in air?

14.which of the following is not a component of air popllution?

15. Noise is....................

16.noise pollutioin is measure in.......................

17. level of noise recommended in most countries is.......................

18. which are the main source of noice pollution?

19.which of the following has more affinity for hemoglobin that oxygen which is poisonous and causes suffocation and death?

20. which health problem is related to air pollution?

21. what is the harm from the depletion of earth ozone layer?

22.which health problem is related to water pollution?

23. air pollution control act was inacted during ----------------

24. water pollution control act was initiated in india during -----------------

25. factories act for control environment was iniciated during...............

26. which of the following textile operation is responsible for maximum water pollution?

27.Cholera,Diarrhea,jaundice, dysentery and typhoide disease creates due to ------ pollution.

28. what is the form of water at room temperature is.............

29. what is the boiling point of water?

30. wgich of the following PH standard for discharge of effluent from a textile chemical process house is..............

31.BOD stand for............................

32. the increased use of fertilization means that nitrates and phoshates are more often being washed from the soil into rivers and lakes.that creates------------------pollution.

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