textile wet processing 9 ( Different dyeing machine and colour)

textile wet processing 9 ( Different dyeing machine and colour)
textile wet processing 12 (maintenance of various processing machine and quality control)
textile wet processing 12 (maintenance of various processing machine and quality control)

Welcome to your textile wet processing 9 ( Different dyeing machine and colour)

1. for silk fiber which dye is most suitable?

2.reactive dyes are suitable for?

3.which of the following dye has poor fastness properties?

4. which machine is most suitable for dyeing delicate yarn like silk?

5.what is the use of boiler machine and pad dry cure machine in textile industry?

6. what is the term used for the phenomenon where two colour appear to match under one light source ,but look different under light source?

7 .jute fiber is the type of ------------fiber.

8.a fiber converted to a yarn through which method?

9.caustic soda and soda ash are type of ----------

10. tinofix is a type of --------------

11.through which process the color pattern given on fabric is a same on both side?

12.how many type of pad dyeing machine are found?

13. the air dye process of garment machine is required for------------ dyeing.

14.multiple color effect can be produced in------------

15. use multiple injections of dye solution of different hues from various side of garment..................

16. a specific portion of aprreal id given shape of loop tied tightly to restict spreading of color is depend in dye is calledd

17 .A loop dyeing effect can be developed with pronounced boundaries due to tight dyeing is called....................

18. dis charging or de colorizing selected areas with the help of discharging chemicals on dyed garment is called

19. if the garment fabric is of mixed fiber,during garment dyeing,--------selection is most important for avoid irregular dyeing.

20.----- is used for garment dyeing.

21.after dyeing steaming process provides----- for fixation of dye in fabric.

22.soaping and washing process removes ----after dyeing

23. In fiber dyeing machine dye, liquor and water is falled in vessel by--------------

24. which type of yarn will be produced by fiber dyeing ?

25. dyeing of fiber before blending with other fiber to produce fancy yarn or fabric is called------------------

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