weaving 33 ( Electrical /electronic measuring instruments2)

weaving 33 ( Electrical /electronic measuring instruments2)
spinning 46 (sizing process and chemical 3)
spinning 46 (sizing process and chemical 3)

Welcome to your weaving 33 ( Electrical /electronic measuring instruments2)

1.What is the voltage measured across a series short?

2. What happens to the current in the series circuit if the resistance is doubled?

3 When The current in each branch of a parallel circuit is proportional to---

4 .what happens when the other bulbIf two bulbs are connected in parallel and one bulb blows out?

5 What is the frequency range of satellite communication method? 4GHz - 6GHz 11GHz -14GHz 5GHz -10GHz 1GHz - 5GHz B

6.What is the full form of DVR card?

7.Which instrument is used to measure the electrical resistance?

8.Which instrument is prohibited to connect with live wire?

9.What is the name of the circuit?

10.What is the name of the electrical measuring instrument?

11.Which law state that “The current is directly propotional to the voltage and inversely propotional to the resistance”?

12.Which is used for continuity checking?

13.Which device have the ability to store electrical charge?

14.Which device used to step up the voltage in the spark ignition system?

15.What is the energy conversion of battery during discharge?

16.What is the energy conversion of battery during charging?

17.Which of the following material will be preferred as a shunt for extending the range of measurement of a voltmeter

18.What Electrodynamic types of instruments are used commonly for the measurement of

19.what are integrating instrument ?

20. How Resistances can be measured ?

21.when handling greater currents induction wattmeter are used in conjunction with why A potentiometer may be used?

22.Which material is used as electrical insulator?

23.What is the advantage of using digital multimeter?

24.Which meter uses a moving coil for measurement?

25.What is the name of instrument used to measure electrical quantities?

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