weaving 35( Identify the fibre 1)

weaving 35( Identify the fibre 1)
spinning 46 (sizing process and chemical 3)
spinning 46 (sizing process and chemical 3)

Welcome to your weaving 35( Identify the fibre 1)

1.which fiber are obtained by blending natural and synthetic fibres

2 Which of the following is used for making gunny bags?

3 which of these states does the jute plant grow ?

4.Which of the following grows best in a black soil and warm climate?

5.which Yarns is made from very thin strands ?

6.which is trhe example of natural fiber?

7.Which of the following terms define the process of silk production?

8 which of the following three processes are involved in converting fiber into fabric?

9.Which of the following fibres is called vegetable fiber?

10.Which of following fibers is used for making parachutes,ropes,and sleeping bags?

11.Which of following plant fibers is obtained from vegetables?

12 Which of following plant fibers is known as the golden fiber?

13 Which of the following fibres is called Animal fiber?

14 What is the process called that changes fibres into yarn?

15 Which of these is not a manmade fibre?

16 How fineness is specified for cotton?

17 What is the minimum strength for a textile fibre?

18 What do you know about Presley index =?

19 what is trash% in cotton?

20 What is the breaking strength of polyster ?

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