weaving 9

weaving 9
spinning 46 (sizing process and chemical 3)
spinning 46 (sizing process and chemical 3)

Welcome to your weaving 9

1.What is TM of yarn ?

2.) What is hairness of yarn ?

3.What is moisture regain percent of cotton ?

4.Whatisthe moisture regain percent of flax ?

5.Whatis winding ?

6.)What is the function of warp winding ?

7.What is the feature of precision winding ?

9.Howmany types of winding are there

10.Which of these is not a winding operation ?

11.) What is the use of creel ?

12.What is package of yarn ?

13.Whatdo you mean by warping beam

14.What device is used for checking the yarn tension ?

15.What is the work of pressure roller?

16.) What is the section under which the warping does ?

17. What is non precision winding ?

18.Whatisthe feature of non precision winding ?

19.What is the objective of warp winding ?

20.What is basic mechanism of warp winding process ?

21.What is doffing ?

22.What is random winding use for ?

23.) What isfault ?

25.What is the effect of slough off defeacts ?

26.Why rings - cut cause occurs ?

27. What is the cause of soft build cone

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